Luke 17:6
"Even if you had faith as small as a mustard seed" the Lord answered "you could say to this mulberry tree 'May God uproot you and throw you into the sea' and it would obey you."
Not going like that would be pretty cool to uproot a tree by faith alone. With tiny faith I don't think its saying 'o you of little faith' I think its saying more along the lines of a baby Christian. If your faith is true faith in God and when you say to a tree uproot and you don't doubt it can happen. You are trusting Gods power that he can not how long you have been a Christian or how much faith you have.
Even though that would be awesome to do or see I think Jesus has a deeper meaning to saying this. Trees are not the only things with roots. Sin has roots as well. They will surface eventually if they have rooted and you are allowing them to grow. We have to have faith that God can take those sins completely out of our hearts.
Anything and everything can be taken down by God I know for me unfortunately I have selfish intentions when I pray something that bold out. I have noticed it recently and its hard to fix. But I know if I am true and honest with God and honestly seek and strive for my heart to be changed He will change me. I don't want to say to be in the mindset of glorifying God. And if he ever wants me to throw a tree in the ocean then shoot ill do it but only if He wants me to, not if I want to.